Astaroth: Desktop calendar 2021


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Photos shown will be updated for 2022!

We had a couple of bad years recently if you know, health took toll and money was a big issue: second lay off in a year.

Theser are full fit photos, so like one per month, usually not 3 photos crammed into a small square.

Around the year photos but the best were by starlightslk in Boston when we made the initial calendar to raise about $300 for the Boston Marathon 1Fund. It was a success even for 2013.

This is finalized, but ideas of what YOU like or would lead you to getting a calender? I'm open for ideas that people want. You've seen the photos, bug me!
Triangle frame displays 5x10" (12x25cm),self stand-up!

This is years of work, to make, photograph, and put into items like this.
I think it's a perfect way to express all my past projects.

So autograph,notes,etc are from me and whatever you want! (nothing too creepazoid) are.
Currently in process of recieving finalized products to Quality Check, then they can go out!
Every bit helps!